Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 12/13/2015 How can you tell if you are getting too much iron in your diet?
annie neilson asked 12/11/2015 For the past 4 days or so I've been eating a slice of chocolate cake & 2 cookies every night... am I going to gain a bunch of weight from this? I weigh 114 right now and eat healthy during the day.
Anonymous asked 11/14/2015 How much am I supposed to weigh right now? I weigh 107.1 lbs and I want to know if I'm supposed to weigh this or not.
Max Glazer asked 10/30/2015 What matters more when trying to lose weight: What you eat or how much you eat?
Anonymous asked 9/11/2015 What is the easiest and fastest way to get skinnier without diet or exercise?
Christian Leckey asked 9/4/2015 If I weigh 130ish for being 5'3 15 years old am I overweight? I play sports and lift weights so my mom said most of the weight is just muscle, yes I have some fat but over the summer I slimmed down a good amount. Do you think I'm fine?
Anonymous asked 8/29/2015 I'm a 17 year old female and I really need to lose about 40lbs. I'm not good at dieting and I get frustrated when I don't see results and quickly give up. What can I do to lose this weight and stay motivated?