Anonymous asked 8/31/2017 What place in the United States has the most stable barometric pressure and the lowest humidity?
dragonfly forty-six asked 7/9/2017 If you could have an all-expenses paid trip to see any world monument, which monument would you choose?
Call me Z asked 2/3/2017 The other day, the German Defense Minister, a woman, met in Saudi Arabia with their leaders, refusing to "cover herself" as insisted per Islamic law. Outrage and insult was broadcast throughout the Muslim world; what are your thoughts on this?
Maurice Korvo asked 1/2/2017 what would the weather be like in the Snowy Mountains in Australia in the first couple of weeks of August?
falcon max asked 11/8/2016 do most police officers in your state in USA always say " no flirting on the streets"?
jet lemm asked 7/5/2016 What is your option on what is happening right know with the election in Australia. If you don't already know or haven't been watching the election specials updating us on the poles you'll know that its no nail biting close?
Maurice Korvo asked 6/23/2016 What has the turn out been like so far for the UK referendum on stay or leave the European Union (United States of Europe)? I think there is only 2 hours left to vote there now.
Anthony Marx asked 4/3/2016 In California, is it possible to actually stand beside the Hollywood sign, or would it be destroyed by vandals?