Harpreet Singh asked 6/20/2016 I brush my teeth twice and so badly that sometimes end up damaging my gums I do not perfers to eat sabzzi in morning and still my teeths are yellow? Help
Anonymous asked 6/16/2016 I'm being put to sleep (anesthesia) for dental surgery, when I wake up will I say anything stupid? Will I be unconscious and not have control of my speech??
Ray Dart asked 6/3/2016 What does it cost in the US to have a simple dental filling replaced? (Roughly, I don't need super accurate figures.) Thanks.
Max Glazer asked 4/22/2016 How to stop being depressed for having fake teeth? I was always really sad that I broke one of my front teeth in half and I know that I will never get it back and that I have to be careful when biting anything
Jann Nikka asked 4/16/2016 Best Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth and for Enamel Protection? I don't have either problem but I would like to use some preventive maintenance. Googled got a lot of choices but I've like to get a toothpaste YOU have used.
amanda Crawford asked 3/30/2016 For the past two days my tooth is hurting that affecting my right side of the ear and i have the worst headace ever?
Danae Hitch asked 3/21/2016 Anyone remember getting a lollipop after getting a shot at the doctor's office? Do they still do that anymore?
PJ Stein asked 3/1/2016 Who here hates going to the dentist? I am going to a new dentist today and I am not looking forward to it.
Anonymous asked 2/22/2016 I am 14 and I have a tooth growing on the roof of my gums. Should I be worried about this? In front of where the new tooth is growing I already have another tooth
Melisa Ademaj asked 12/26/2015 My retainers fell out of my pocket, and I didn't see them, and when I got up I accidentally stepped on them and broke them. It was my last chance, it's the third time I break them. I've had them for a year without breaking. What should I do?