Anonymous asked 9/15/2016 I like someone with a mild form of autism. It's harder for him to hold conversation. Should I back off with the flirting and wait for him to make a move?
Anonymous asked 9/7/2016 When you kiss someone for the first time, do you use tongue? It's always very awkward when you kiss someone and they come at you mouth open while yours is more closed..
Stephanie Bee asked 9/3/2016 Boyfriend lied to me and said it was ok to sleep over his moms house. He's 19 I'm 20. she found out I was there the next morning and blew up on ME. Should I dump him?
Anonymous asked 9/3/2016 Should I feel guilty for dumping a guy and getting a restraining order against him? His exes Bc told me that he cheated more than 10x and sent me screenshots. Dude is 18 and I'm 15 and a half. He lies and manipulates, he's hit me and called me names.
Anonymous asked 9/2/2016 Does she like me or not? I went to her house 2 times she coudled with me and she held my hand she didn't want me to leave! I told her that i like this girl (I know she knows it's her) and she told me to forget her.
That Oneguy asked 8/31/2016 I got invited last minute to a girls birthday party tha I didn't talk to much but talked to a lot for the past week.She made sure I was on her team a lot and I was 1 of 2 guys. There were a few other possible hints. Do you think she likes me?
Anonymous asked 8/23/2016 Recently i want to sleep with my boyfriends sister?! I have dirty dreams and thoughts of her constantly. Im not sure what to do about this. Its not like i can just forget about her since we are like family. Any suggestions??
Jann Nikka asked 8/22/2016 Is it a good idea to marry, someone you regularly think is cheating with men and women?
Anonymous asked 8/20/2016 Is it ok for someone with mental health problems to enter into a relationship hoping that it might help them?
Noah Urbany Noah asked 8/18/2016 Tried to get out of the friendzone, didn't work out... Look in answers?
Anonymous asked 7/22/2016 Girl tells me she likes another guy. I told her how I feel about her she said we're friends and thats a good place to be. I stopped talking to her, she blocked me. Now she unblocked me, and keeps asking why we barely talk anymore. Advice?
Penny Kilday asked 7/20/2016 my partner has suddenly stopped having sex with me and its even a chore to kiss me also I stay with him as I don't have anywhere to live and he is not cheating on me at least that's a good thing I feel like a celibate lodger?
Anonymous asked 7/19/2016 The guy who asked me out is speaking to another girl, I don't know whether I am over reacting but I am concerned that he is talking to another girl the same way he is talking to me...what should I do?
Anonymous asked 7/5/2016 what do you do when you feel boring ?! when you don't have any friends around?
Anonymous asked 7/2/2016 I want to know how to deal with an ex who is tryong to get in touch after two years of breaking up with me. I am scared he will blackmail me with our pics and chat history and jeopardize my upcoming marriage. Is maintaing silence okay or will it push him into blackmail?