josh polk asked 7/7/2011 Me and my girlfriend emily have been Dating for about a week or so and she thinks she may be Pregnant and i dont know what to do?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 6/29/2011 When you are shacked up, do you think whether or not your relationship will last? Could you ever think that you would ever have older, but wiser eyes?
Feri Pi asked 6/23/2011 What do you do if you find a girl underwear in your boyfriend's clothes? Do you tell him? To you assume that it came from the laundry room by mistake?
Knuckle Jamir asked 6/17/2011 How will I take a girl dating for the first time and what is the right place dating?
tom smith asked 6/15/2011 I found naked pictures of my girlfriend on her computer. They are recent, and she didnt send them to me. Should i bring it up?
Michelle De mondragon asked 6/14/2011 Do you think it's weird if I asked my boyfriend if he has a 6 pack?
Maxine Chan asked 6/13/2011 Will you be able to concentrate in class if your girl/boyfriend is in the same class with you? If not, will you miss them? Will this affect your grades?
Isabella Catinta asked 6/1/2011 I'm 14 and I have my first real serious relationship. I'm a virgin, but I think I'm ready to be a mum?! I really don't love the guy I'm with and I don't want to marry him but I want to be a mum so bad! I know I can handle it, but I don't know...
never ever asked 5/28/2011 My girlfriend admitted she is a bi last night; what do i do? She is 15 years old just like me, she said she never or will cheat on me. We have been Together 7 months. What do i do? I really love her.
Maxine Chan asked 5/25/2011 Why won't some people date their own race? This is an insult to their culture.