Anonymous asked 5/9/2015 My ex bf left me for a h* and now they are over, he wants me back and I don't know whether to give him another chance or not and I really need help, What do I do?
Anonymous asked 5/8/2015 How can I find a boy with height of around 5 feet 10 inches on Bengali matrimonial site?
Anonymous asked 5/7/2015 I'm 16 and have never had a girlfriend, I don't know any girls, I'm not ugly but I'm not the most attractive either. Where can I meet girls my age without going to parties as my 'friends' have started leaving me out of everything?
Anonymous asked 5/3/2015 How can I tell for sure if a girl likes me? She's been giving me lots of different signs that she does.
Anonymous asked 5/1/2015 In Cuba I was talking to a guy on the staff; we had an interesting convo until he said he gives paid massages. I thought maybe at the beach, but he insisted on going to my room. I said no. His mood changed and he refused to talk to me again. What did he want?
Anonymous asked 4/18/2015 I love someone who is 6 years older then me and I am 16. Is it right or wrong?
Anonymous asked 4/10/2015 How do I get a sixth grade girl to like me? I'm shy, but I am good at sports. What do I do.
Alexis Cotton asked 4/10/2015 Okay so I have known this guy for about four years. About a month ago we started to hook up and then last week we decided that we were going to be together. Today I found out that I am pregnant.(he is the only possible father) How do I tell him?
Anonymous asked 4/9/2015 What age would you stop considering a female a "girl"? I overheard this elderly man talking about a girl he dances with is his age. I thought it was kind of cute in a way, so what's your views?
Anonymous asked 3/31/2015 How do I tell someone I like them, and act if they deny my affection for them?
Anonymous asked 3/31/2015 I like a guy who is participating in a theater with me. We rarely talk and I've only talked to him once about we shared the same music. I thought I wanna confess to him after the theater ends. Should I confess to him??