Nikki Ridgerider asked 2/9/2014 I'm feeling a lil' lonely now...I wanna be hugged or hug somebody so bad. A strong shoulder. But I know I can't force love. Do you ever just feel...incomplete?
Anonymous asked 2/7/2014 Is it wrong to text a married man? What would you do if someone was texting your husband?
Anonymous asked 2/5/2014 When you look at a guy and he looks away with some stern expression like he's angry or pissed, what does that mean?
caroline harris asked 2/3/2014 What is the nicest way to break up with your boyfriend over text? Please do not say do it in person, I would like a way over text. Thanks! By the way I'm 13
Anonymous asked 2/1/2014 How bad is it to be jealous of a girl's guy friends? She has so many! I know they're just friends, but I get offended when she texts with other guys when I'm trying to talk to her.
Anonymous asked 1/31/2014 How can I get into a woman's Facebook account so I can check her private photos and messages? I need proof that this woman is my husband's lover?
Spencer Ollin asked 1/29/2014 What's a good gift to give a girl for valentines day, not for a girlfriend, but just a good friend? Perhaps to show them you care.
Anonymous asked 1/29/2014 I am clean well mannered...actually very friendly & co-operative but not that pretty, would that be a problem to getting a date?
Joey Plachy asked 1/27/2014 I really like this girl and I don't know if she likes me. Every time she's with her friends she leaves them and hangs out with me. I don't want to ruin our friendship?
Chanda Bearr asked 1/26/2014 Ok so I like this guy, but he thinks that I am too young.. when he is only about one year older than me.. So how can I get him to like me?
Lia Tan asked 1/24/2014 I was recently dumped by a guy because he only sees me as a friend. I don't hate him & I do want to be friends, but he's being weird now. We're mostly okay, but then he'll be mad at me when people tell me bad things about him. Is it me or him?
Molly Caboose asked 1/24/2014 Um... Ok I have a crush I'm my class.... I love him soooo much I just don't want to admit it I think he has a crush on me I just don't know what to do.... I need advice please? Because I love him soooo much and stuff like that!