Anonymous asked 4/28/2015 Hey, so I really want a close distance relationship so my friends told me to go outside more. I have, but I see that no one is interested in me. I always feel its because I don't deserve a girlfriend :(?
Anonymous asked 4/27/2015 Why do I get so bored with my relationships? Within a month or two of talking to a guy, I get bored. I've tried forcing myself to stay with them, but it just makes me unhappier. Any advice?
Anonymous asked 4/26/2015 I work with my boyfriend and he talks to the other girls. He sits next to them all day long. Is it normal or am I being overly jealous?
Natalie Hutto asked 4/26/2015 I just got called something terrible by my husband's cousin, and my husband just stood there. What should I do?
Anonymous asked 4/25/2015 There's this guy I met yesterday, at a youth group we both go to. We were having fun just messing around blah blah blah. Well, I saw him today and he ignores me when I say hi to him. What's this?
Anonymous asked 4/24/2015 Is it the words that important people in your life say to you, or is it the actions they have towards you that matter. I find myself thinking about this question more often now days?
Anonymous asked 4/22/2015 If both my husband and I work and my husband pays the bills with both our money as he is better with financial things, should he have a right to tell me if I can and can't buy something and how much money I can spend a week on groceries?
Anonymous asked 4/22/2015 What is a real marriage? How should a husband and wife treat each other? What is the man and women's role in a marriage?
Anonymous asked 4/22/2015 I have been married for 23 yrs, my wife feels she has missed something in life due to kids & marriage. She has a password on her phone and shows no emotional connection. I do all I can for her. Should I walk or stay anymore?
nalamati sri navya kiran asked 4/22/2015 A girl who is blind,deaf,dumb and not literate wants to propose to a boy. How can she propose to him?
Melanie Miller asked 4/22/2015 What does it mean when you tell a guy you love him and he tells you, I know it hurts does it?
Anonymous asked 4/18/2015 I love someone who is 6 years older then me and I am 16. Is it right or wrong?
Anonymous asked 4/18/2015 I'm 14 and dating a 23 year old. I've known him for about a year and a half now but we haven't met in person. So is this weird or wrong?
Anonymous asked 4/17/2015 Does he like me? Sorry Im putting this up again, getting confused on why my question wasnt up before
daisy dreamer asked 4/17/2015 He holds my hands then gives me hugs for the longest times and it feels so right. Then the next he is rude and makes fun of me. Is he into me or just playing around?