Anonymous asked 5/12/2016 I'm a 19 year old guy and I've never kissed a girl, let alone held hands or anything romantic at all. How strange is this? Am I too late to start?
Anonymous asked 5/8/2016 So when my sis was pregnant her baby's dad kicked her out and left her for someone. his cousin found out his older cousin gave him a few good licks. Does this mean that the cousin likes my sister or was he just defending his little cousin?
Anonymous asked 5/7/2016 Should I text this guy again? I met this guy at a bar and he started talking to me. When I got up to leave he asked me to take his phone number and to text him. He did say that he is having problems and it might take a while for him to text back.
Dance like a gypsy asked 5/6/2016 What exactly is courting? I've been told that it's another word for dating and others have told me that it's different than dating and there are rules. I couldn't find the rules in Google...
Anonymous asked 5/5/2016 I really want to ask out one of my close friends what do i do? the main problem is that were part of a bigger group of friends and i just dont know if it would work, and how theyd react.
Jess Roth asked 5/5/2016 this guy was purposely avoiding eye contact with me but he was acting all goofy cause his friends were there. he wasnt acknowledging me even though i was right in front of him. What could this mean? Is it possible that he secretly likes me?
Anonymous asked 5/2/2016 a good friend of mine sent me a love poem its first part is: His smile fair as Spring, as towards him he draws you and so on. then he said "i want to be that guy" im unsure if he is asking me out. what's your opinion?
Dance like a gypsy asked 4/29/2016 How do I cheer up my boyfriend? his mom is going to jail soon and he's sad I don't know what to do for him.
Anonymous asked 4/29/2016 My parents got to know about my boyfriend and they created a havoc in his house. I really love him and miss him now......What should I do???
Anonymous asked 4/28/2016 Okay guys. Does it mean anything if a guy uses a kiss face when texting a girl?
Anonymous asked 4/28/2016 My boyfriend is my best friend. In a small town friends are limited! He's a great best friend, but he isn't a very good boyfriend. Breaking up would end our friendship, something I don't want to lose at all HELP?