Anonymous asked 5/31/2013 I want to go on holiday but have to pay in dollars how much is $2400 in pounds?
Maxine Chan asked 11/27/2011 What are the many ways you can make money? I can name a few like saving coins and putting them in a machine and it can give you bills, having a garage sale, and getting a job.
malcolm manning asked 10/13/2011 I remember when in the 50's and 60's, US dollars wouldn't tear easy,why did that stop?
Maxine Chan asked 10/9/2011 How much money have you found on the street while just walking? I found a 100 dollar bill on the street before and I kept it:) I found these two 100 dollar bills twice on different days though.
douglas tweedie asked 7/15/2011 Does anyone know what a double sided two pence is worth,having two heads and two different dates,1971 and 1978?
Paula Schiff asked 5/23/2011 Nine nickels and a traditional balance are sitting in front of you. All nickels have the same weight except for one counterfeit, which is slightly heavier than the others. What is the lowest maximum number of times you expect to use the balance to gu?