literary consumption asked 10/11/2011 Did punk rock movement of the late 70s really make a cultural impact in Britain? Or is it just a myth?
Amit Shastri asked 8/26/2011 With predicted growth of 9% over next three years, should we grateful that we are not in the same state as Europe, Britain and America, or should envy China with predicted growth of 25% in same time?
andre meade asked 8/3/2011 How does the search for universals help us better understand human cultural behavior?
Monica Smith asked 5/16/2011 Are Pakistani people very forward? I started talking to a Pakistani guy about a week ago and he asked me to marry him. I thought this was quite odd, but I just don't know the Pakistani culture and if that is normal. Any advice?
Mohammad Khalid asked 5/12/2011 What Do The People Of Singapore Eat And What Type Of Clothes They Wear?
Maxine Chan asked 4/26/2011 Who listens to music not in your primary language? I listen to some spanish songs.
Maxine Chan asked 3/3/2011 Why do Goths wear crosses? I thought they were all Satanists, not Christian!
Dylaasiaa Maashaaii asked 2/1/2011 What behaviors are acceptable in the Maycomb community? What behaviors are not acceptable in the community