Anonymous asked 1/26/2018 If someone had no past(came back to life heroes and legends or simply brought back by a wish/lived going from country to country and didn't know where they were born), and therefore no documentation, how should you get documentation and citizenship?
Anonymous asked 11/23/2017 How can i write a letter of appreciation to someone and then ask him to give me job in is company?
N. Harmonik asked 11/9/2017 Why is it that I want to write and yet I...physically(?)...don't want to write?
Anonymous asked 9/25/2017 My teacher showed us a photo of a boy and his family. The first line of the story has to be "if there was an answer, he'd find it there." I can't think of an answer he would need. What could they want to find out?
N. Harmonik asked 10/18/2016 How would you counter an author who says their heroes have to be overly-powerful Mary-Sues or they won't triumph over the villains and their villains have to also be overly-powerful Mary-Sues or their getting beaten by the heroes won't be impressive?
N. Harmonik asked 9/20/2016 What's the difference between a flat character and a shallow character? Some examples please?
Anonymous asked 7/8/2016 What is a medical condition where you get severe headaches, you can go back to school, but it is potentially fatal if it gets bad. Do not give me a cancer please! This for a book I'm writing. I only need a name, I can research on my own?
Alice X. R. asked 6/17/2016 hi. I'm writing a war story and I need a description of a near-death experience in a gas chamber. Can anyone help me out? The more detailed the better. Thanks! ~★Alice
Danny Boy asked 6/10/2016 I'm writing a jukebox musical ( of showtunes) of two bothers, composers, writing a musical. Im having a hard time finding a conflict between them. right now. Any other ideas or ways to drag this out nicely into an hour long show?