Megan goodgirl asked 7/9/2015 If someone was to talk about God all the time wouldn't it aggervate you?
Anonymous asked 6/26/2015 What does it mean when you know what someone is about to say, before they say it?
Holly D'Anna asked 6/25/2015 What word do people around you often pronounce incorrectly that bugs you?
Chocolatey Goodness asked 6/11/2015 How do I categorize a question here on Blurtit into an appropriate topic? I see lots of topics when I'm browsing, but when given the option to choose one before posting a question, the topics are limited and "insects" or "world travel."
Anonymous asked 7/21/2014 As a mobile phone network user/customer, what added solutions would you wish your network provider provided, for example, borrowing credit/airtime service???