Otis Campbell asked 1/16/2018 Its a popsicle 28f here south of houston how cold is it where u live??😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 10/22/2017 Looks like our weather is finally turning cool. Have you broken out the cold weather clothing yet?
Call me Z asked 3/19/2017 With the coming of warmer seasons (here in the northern hemisphere) what activities do you look forward to that have been put aside since last fall?
Otis Campbell asked 1/7/2017 Its 28f here in shinesville texas how cold is where u are at?? Im hugging the still.
Ally Gh asked 11/24/2016 What is the temperature where you live right now? It is -11 here in my town in north-west of Iran :-( It would be around 13 F :-(
Didge Doo asked 11/24/2016 Methane has 21 times the impact of carbon dioxide on global warming. So should we eat more charred food to reduce the production of stomach gas?
Mountain Man asked 11/19/2016 Would you rather have to deal with an extremely cold day or an extremely hot day?
Didge Doo asked 11/1/2016 There are 200 lightning flashes a second, every second, or half a billion a month since the Earth formed. If it never strikes the same place twice, will Thor have to start looking for moving targets? If so, how good are YOUR chances of making through it to 2017 without getting singed? Any ideas about portable lightning rods?
Jann Nikka asked 10/10/2016 I Googled and found several websites for future weather, but need additional help on finding weather information for OKC in December?
otis campbell asked 10/7/2016 Lets all pray or whatever u do for gator blu and the people in florida. I went thrue hurricane alicia in 83 it is bad and the power can be out for weeks?
otis campbell asked 9/27/2016 Do u beleive in the farmers almanac? They say were suppose to have a cold winter??
otis campbell asked 9/18/2016 This past week has been cooler here in south east texas and then today back over 100f what's the temp where your at?send me ice