swetha ruby asked 4/15/2016 my blood group is AB+ and my husbands is B+.i have stammering.any chance for my child?
Anonymous asked 10/8/2015 Why do people ask how your baby was delivered? And want all the details? Isn't that just a tad too personal? What should I say next time someone asks what kind of delivery I had w/o being rude?
Matt Radiance asked 10/4/2015 I'm gathering an article by people's opinion on "pregnancy" & "childbirth" , which way would you choose for giving birth to your child ? Cesarean or Natural? why ?
Anonymous asked 11/19/2014 What is the fastest way for a women to get pregnant when a man's sperm count is low?
Jaime Martens asked 1/30/2012 If my blood type is 'a rh (d) negative' and my husbands is 'o positive' will this affect our chances at becoming pregnant or affect the babys or my health during the pregnancy?
Bella Swan asked 6/25/2011 Just wondering, is there any girl out there who is pregnant and under age 20? I'm just curious to know your story..
marisa rodriguez asked 3/9/2011 Im 7 weeks pregnant and i feel little flutters and bubbles. Is that the baby moving?
brittqany richardson asked 11/16/2010 If a girl is 1month pregnant can her lower part of her stomach be hard lol?