Anonymous asked 8/25/2010 When you put a piece of chocolate on your tongue, your brain registers a sensation of sweetness. What aspect of molecules is responsible fort their having a particular taste?
Anonymous asked 8/20/2010 What is the percentage of oxygen to the nearest tenth in this compound Ba(OH)½ ¢ 8H½O?
Anonymous asked 8/17/2010 Identify the subatomic particles used to define an element and why this particle is used?
Anonymous asked 8/14/2010 At 570 mm hg and 25 degrees celsius a gas sample has a volume of 2270 ml. What is the final pressure at a volume of 1250 ml and a temperature of 175 degress celsius?
Anonymous asked 8/14/2010 When an ionic compound dissolves in water, splitting into its respective ions, the positive ions will be attracted to the _________ end of the water molecule. A. Neutral B. Partially positive C. Partially negative?
Anonymous asked 8/13/2010 What forces of attraction are present between Na and Cl in sodium chloride?