Anonymous asked 8/2/2015 I had a emotional/flirty fling (NO PHYSICAL) with someone during relationship. He found out, I came clean. He said he'd give me another chance. I have already made steps to make it up to him, and have blocked this person on every form of thing I use. I also deleted other people who have asked me out/flirted with me in the past at his request. I don't know how to talk to him right now but I want to talk to him desperately. What should I do?
Anonymous asked 7/10/2015 A friend with a history of depression has been speaking to a mentor figure for the past year. Recently, he asked her to have sex with him while his wife is away next month, and she’s considering it. I’m worried she might harm herself if she does?
Anonymous asked 4/16/2015 My husband has a Alcatel one-touch phone, and I think he uses his incognito tab to look up porn. Is there a way to stop it or see what he's looking up?
Anonymous asked 4/14/2015 Why did my friend's girlfriend place her foot between my legs under the table at Wendy's when we were together?
alicia being-me asked 3/16/2015 I think my boyfrind is cheating on me because whenever we Skype his phone goes off. I ask him who are you texting? He says no one but I know someone's messaging him but when he comes over and I look at his phone there's no messages. What should I do?
Valentina Heart asked 2/19/2015 If a man is married and falls in love with another woman can he still sleep with his wife?
Tifini Manning asked 2/4/2015 What do I do when my boyfriend who I've been dating for 9 months keeps being shady about his phone (charges it face down, talks weird when certain people call, & gets nervous when I hold his phone)?
Anonymous asked 12/16/2014 Why did my bf have a one night stand when he said we have a good relationship?
Anonymous asked 12/8/2014 I hooked up with the guy that my friend has been texting and has a crush on. He asked her to formal the next day and I'm going to be at the same formal, so I'm worried that she might find out. Should I tell her what happened or just let it go?
damian mccullough asked 10/24/2014 My girlfriend is acting suspicious, she won't look at me and wont talk to me; is that a sign that she's cheating on me?
Anonymous asked 8/29/2014 My husband keeps his phone away from me lately and looks guilty when a message comes through. How do I find out what's going on without actually touching his phone?