Anonymous asked 5/9/2016 I have to go to small claims court to try to get money from someone who backed into my car. Will they get special treatment because her dads a cop? She's 16
Elizabeth Dorsch asked 5/7/2016 a girl pulled out of her parking spot and put a huge dent in the side of my car. She's clearly at fault and her cop dad refuses to help me fix it. How do I get money from them to fix it? I think that's bs if I have to pay for her damage.
Rooster Cogburn asked 5/4/2016 Do you know if long haul truckers still use C.B. radios to communicate with each other ? Or are they just outdated and they use other means?
Jessica hoah asked 4/28/2016 In an accident who would usually have the most damage? The person who got hit or the person who hit the other car?
otis campbell asked 4/24/2016 I noticed since they came out with rear view cameras on cars and trucks no one is looking when they back up i have been almost hit on my bicycle several times by idiots not looking. Have you?
Daniel Dey asked 4/24/2016 What will do if you buy a supercar and a speed bump is higher than your car's ground clearance and there is no way around and you have to cross it?
Kaine Black asked 4/23/2016 what price do you think i could get a 2015 honda civic for at an auto auction?
Jayshree Makadia asked 4/13/2016 What are the benefits of used cars, as I am looking to buy used car for the first time and does its evaluation help?
Anonymous asked 4/7/2016 Is it ok to ride my bike without a helmet around my neighbourhood (not too many cars and no major intersections)?
mawada yousef asked 4/7/2016 is Penske a good choice for big moving trucks and do they provide a driver with it or you have to drive it?
Ray Dart asked 4/5/2016 If I were to buy an older, full-size, American Car, what makes/models have "slipped under the radar" that might become classics in 20 years time?
Anonymous asked 4/4/2016 Can an insurance conpany like progressive track someone down by their name or phone number? Like find their insurance company?
Soul Fly asked 4/1/2016 Why do some vehicle tires have small rubber threads on the sidewall while others don't? Do they serve a purpose?