Anonymous asked 8/24/2013 Where is the best place to sell my 1994 Crown Victoria LX with all the goodies (new tires) and only 46000 miles?
Anonymous asked 7/31/2013 What should I do when I have taken my car to a car dealer without any written agreement and the garage owner refuses to give back my car because he insists I owe him rent?
Anonymous asked 7/30/2013 I have a worped engine in my Freelander 03 plate. How much will a new engine be?
Anonymous asked 7/27/2013 I have a 1998 pontiac grand am gt that runs but does not drive in first gear - just second and third, but not the over drive either. What could this be?
Anonymous asked 6/11/2013 I have a really old tarnished small brass doorplate that reads "Captain's Office - SS Titanic". Is it real? Did one exist?