Shahid Akram asked 6/21/2011 Propose segmentation criteria to be used for products in different markets (give Examples)?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 6/13/2011 When the planes flew into the world trade center towers, there were people continuing to work at their desks pretending it didn't happen. --- Do you see what's on the horizon or will you continue working at your desk?
Iboro Essien asked 5/31/2011 Discuss four contributions of entrepreneurship to the economic development of Nigeria?
kathy brown asked 5/5/2011 What is the difference between Project-wide or Objective-Oriented Evaluation?
Hanan asked 5/1/2011 Define and explain what are the economic factors and what role they have within the business environment, and discuss how a company can affect the economic factors and how it can be affected by those factors?
nawaraj giri asked 3/18/2011 Identify the seven possible methods of Char Jing stock out to jobs contract?
Kathleen Buharp asked 2/23/2011 What types of produce does california trade to other states/countries?
renga samy raju asked 2/18/2011 International trade makes rich countries richer and poor countries poorer?
Rolda James asked 1/31/2011 What are the distinctive features of business research compared to other research discipline?
juliet onwuegbuchi asked 1/22/2011 Compare entrepreneurship in Nigeria with Japan, India and Malaysia?