Anonymous asked 11/25/2015 For any and all Brits: what is a 'form teacher'? I'm reading a Brit thriller mystery and they keep calling an NPC that. I get 'games teacher' as what call a PE coach or PE teacher but I don't get 'form teacher'?
basit basit asked 11/22/2015 What is the theme of the story "The New Constitution" by Sadat Hasan Manto"?
Roy Roy asked 11/13/2015 When You're Browsing in a Bookstore, Which Section Do You Gravitate Toward? Philosophy, Science, New Books, Magazines, Self help, Fiction, Other?
Aron Prince asked 11/11/2015 Me, My sister and her boyfriend want to do cosplay together, any ideas for good trio cosplays, preferably with two boys and a girl cause that matches who we like to cospaly?
Corey The Goofyhawk asked 11/9/2015 I'm building a character for some short stories and am looking for a strong name for him. In your opinion, what would be a strong name for a "lone survivor" type of character?