Addilynn All Star asked 8/26/2011 I'm only in my teenage years, but I already know that our generation, puts this generation to shame.! Right my teen Blurters? XD
Maxine Chan asked 8/24/2011 Would you consider me a weirdo in your terms or am I normal? Is normal boring to you? To me, it is.
Anonymous asked 8/15/2011 blurtit made a moderator (yay!) but I can't "moderate" any questions now?
Mandy Clark asked 8/9/2011 Blurtit says I was helpful 4 times today but I didn't get an email or an alert. How can I tell what was helpful?
Onyx Ryans asked 8/7/2011 Who on Blurtit has the highest number average words? (you know that thing on your profile that has the average words on it?)
Addilynn All Star asked 8/6/2011 Hello im am Addi's cousin and i want to say that you have lost another blurtit member , addi has died , she was stabbed to death on her way home. Put ur messages and thoughts here?
William Hirsch asked 7/31/2011 Why don't I get alerts when people comment on my answers? I feel like I used to.
Maddie asked 7/20/2011 What are some things that you would want to change about Blurtit? I would make it so that comments on my answers would be in the Alerts.
Anonymous asked 7/1/2011 Just Realized there are some Raging Republican's on here, What makes someone like that?
Addilynn All Star asked 6/6/2011 I guess u blurters are fast asleep today..*cries* nobody loves me no more...u all want me to fail...*cries* that right? 8(
Maxine Chan asked 6/4/2011 Why do some Blurt It members on here not answer the question given to them but end up saying something else?
Tisa asked 5/21/2011 I'm writing an outline for my informative speech on the adoption of children (in general), but I cant think of an attention grabber to start off the speech. Blurtit friends, do you have any ideas?