Anonymous asked 1/14/2015 I can’t ask or answer a question on the app of Blurtit. Does anyone out there know why?
Ethan Baker asked 1/4/2015 I logged in to Blurt It, and I had 2 notifications. I clicked to read them, but it sent me to a blank Blurt It page. Is there any way to get these back, and if so, how?
Taylor Brookes asked 12/23/2014 My notifications are stuck at 352 and won't go away even if I refresh the page. I tried logging out and back in again, but it's still there. How can I get rid of it?
Anonymous asked 11/25/2014 Does any one else get annoyed when people post like really really long answer on simple questions? Sorry but I do.
Sissy Mom asked 11/11/2014 I really want to thank someone for an answer. I click on Thank Writer and then Comment. After that a big ad comes up and I get kicked off and have to log on again. Anyone know what to do? Grrr
Nice Girl asked 11/2/2014 I don't get correct notifications on Blurtit as if I have commented somewhere, and another person also has, then I can't see if any one has left a comment! Can anyone help me?