Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 11/10/2015 When a person asks a question on here it 100 % anonymous?
a guy asking asked 11/9/2015 I need help: How can I see my actual notifications that are going on right now?
spunky monkey asked 11/8/2015 If you completely shut down Blurtit then restart, will it make the glitch go away?
Rooster Cogburn asked 11/8/2015 Why do some people ask questions on here and then want to argue with the answers they get in the comments? If you already knew the answer, then why ask?
Rooster Cogburn asked 11/4/2015 Why do some people feel that they have to "brown nose" and "back stab" others in order to get ahead in life?
hello catmall asked 11/2/2015 I am looking for someone on here. I lost contact with him and I don't know how else to find him. I know that he used this site but I don't know how long it has been or if he deleted his account. Please help?
Daan Scatozza asked 10/28/2015 Does anyone else here have questions that don't have any answers yet and likely never will? cuz some questions are just there cuz no answer exists. i mean like questions like: does anyone know something with this and that. Sometimes what you are looking for just doesn't exist (yet). just look at some of my questions on my profile.
Taylor Brookes asked 10/27/2015 I'm trying to ask a question but every time I click 'ask' it comes up with an error saying 'this page is either broken or has been deleted'. What's going on and how can I fix it?
Ray Dart asked 10/25/2015 Hey folks, its obviously time to quit. Farewell all. Best wishes and be lucky?