Leanne Robbins asked 2/1/2017 I keep seeing people say they are moving to answermug is it a better site?
Ancient Hippy asked 1/30/2017 Can we get some more spam questions? There aren't enough.............. more, more, more, please!!
Goranko Knin asked 1/22/2017 I see that Patriots Steelers spam with their web pages and social media profiles. They do not ask. What we should do?
Anonymous asked 1/19/2017 why does it keep saying please double check your details as we cannot find any user with those details?
HelpStop AnimalAbuse asked 1/16/2017 Should All students be required to perform one year of community service?
Goranko Knin asked 1/6/2017 A Chinese scammer is active on Blurtit. Why do the admins permit his activity?
Anonymous asked 1/5/2017 It's been a very long time since I've been on blurtit and, honest to Pete, I can't remember how to "answer" as opposed to making a comment! (Hand to forehead). Would someone help such a dipsy-doodle???
Deleted Account asked 1/4/2017 So, I've been off for a while, happy new year, please could people fill me in with what happened so far since I was off, I heard about new mods, but its all rumors for me?
Toxic Hairball asked 1/4/2017 Despite the rampant idiot spammers and the grossly indifferent "moderators" I intend to stick it out here on Blurtit, this friendly little community is worth standing up for. Who's with me?
Anonymous asked 12/27/2016 I drew a watercolor image of Bambi from an image online. I wish to print myself a shirt. I would be purchasing a custom tshirt on Etsy. Is this allowed? If not, I won't.