dfasdf asdff asked 3/20/2015 Hey I just joined and don't know how to answer questions. When I go to people's pages there's no button to answer it? Help please.
Kk polly asked 3/17/2015 What's the difference between "thank writer" and "voting up"? And which is more valuable.
Ray Dart asked 3/11/2015 Spam through the day. Wiki researched (and over-formatted and tediously boring) answers otherwise. No acceptance of wit and humour in the answers. No enforcement of the Blurtit rules. What went wrong? Once a vibrant, open, witty challenging community.
Rose Khanna asked 3/9/2015 Can having prolonged depression/anxiety make you look ugly...guys please be honest and if yes then please explain how.... I have to do this for my project?
Cyber Tooth Tiger asked 3/6/2015 Just for everyone's record I'm not the same "Dances With Wolves" as on Ask.com ..I've never been on Ask.com but people on here seem to think I been on there. I wish people would stop their false accusations against me - that is criminal so be careful?