Misty Law asked 8/17/2015 I posted a wrong picture. oops I should probably pay more attention. Got that changed?
otis otiscambell asked 8/14/2015 Wow it seems alot of my answers even legit ones are being zapped here. This is truely worst than Ask.com . No freedom of speech. Who is the moderators here?
Rooster Cogburn asked 8/10/2015 I have a question for all the people out there, would you all start asking a few questions ? I promise I'll buy all the beer, soda, water, or Mountain Dew you want. Let's see them, OK?
Chewed Bubblegum asked 8/7/2015 Why isn't Blurtit more popular? I love this site so much! No drama, everyone helps each other, no competitions...I really look forward to talking to all you peeps everyday!
Chewed Bubblegum asked 8/5/2015 Why is it that sometime on this site, it doesn't show a red line under a word you misspelled?
Ethan Baker asked 8/5/2015 I have a question to ask, but it won't fit here. It regards something strange my little brother did, and I need to know what was happening. My actual question is in the answers?
janet chamisa asked 8/5/2015 I have not had an answer on the question marketing management is demand management. Discuss?
Yo Kass asked 8/3/2015 Do you use Blurtit on a mobile device? If so, what needs improving on the mobile site?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 8/1/2015 When I click on to my followers under my profile, I can only view about 19 names.( I have a lot more than that.) How can I view them all?
Luke Reine asked 7/29/2015 If a movie were to be made, who on this site could you see taking the lead role? lol (I vote Roy! ) It'll be a light comedy and the lead will face life struggles along the way.
lydia petty asked 7/29/2015 Well this is for the lady's. How to get a man. They seem to mean to some and I'm just having a problem with boys I guess?