Anonymous asked 7/13/2017 I'm a 54 year old woman small build, blood pressure of 95/43. Is this normal?
Anonymous asked 8/7/2015 Do people who have been diagnosed as having high BP also have BP readings that are in the normal range?
Anonymous asked 5/27/2015 I've taken 2 readings. One was 171 over 120 & the second one was 155 over 111. I am female, 61 years old and on blood pressure My feet are both tingling. Do I need emergency attention?
Anonymous asked 4/1/2015 I am 23 weeks pregnant and my blood pressure is 92/54 and last month when I checked it, it was 93/48. what does this imply? Is it ok?
manish singh asked 1/15/2015 Could you please tell me that what the normal blood pressure for a 50 year old women is?
Anonymous asked 11/7/2014 I'm a 77 yr old woman - my BP and heart rate averages about 146/72 and 90. Is that bad?