Montserrat Diaz asked 7/5/2014 What lipstick can a woman with chestnut brown hair and with hazel eyes wear?
Anonymous asked 6/29/2014 I hae painless red bumps on my cheeks (also they don't itch or anything they just appeared this morning). What are they and why are they there?
Anonymous asked 6/28/2014 Not to be inappropriate but, its annoying me! My genitals are itchy and cant sleep! I don't know why! Please help?
Anonymous asked 6/27/2014 Am I ugly? I have cheekbones like Lucy Lawless, blue eyes,dark brown hair, a pale face, freckles, a tiny mouth and an o.k nose (slightly large). I'm also slim with broad shoulders, curves and a big butt. I kind of look like Vivien Lee.
Anonymous asked 6/26/2014 What do you wear when you go to Holiday World? (Going with a friend and his family. I'm a girl.)
Anonymous asked 6/25/2014 I am in real mess. Hair fall is becoming nightmare is there anybody who can help in finding finest and Professional hair extensions in London?
Anonymous asked 6/24/2014 I'm a girl. I'm 12, soon to be 13, and my hair used to be very curly and wild. I'm starting to notice that it's becoming thinner and "straighter"? Is that normal for girls my age?
Brian Cook asked 6/24/2014 Confused about which Skin Clinic to opt for best skin treatment result in Reading?
Anonymous asked 6/12/2014 I'm a girl and I often cross my legs twice (once at knee then once at ankle) instead of once because it's more comfortable. Do you think it looks weird?