Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 10/1/2015 There's a new hair brush that I've noticed on the market, its called the " Wet Brush ". Anyone tried it? Thumbs up or down?
Anonymous asked 9/25/2015 How do I stop hair loss? I am only 29 and my hair started to fall all over the place...
zzayla zzayla asked 9/21/2015 Is there really a way to make your natural eye lashes fuller and thicker like some people claim? If so how?
Anonymous asked 9/13/2015 I'm Asian so I have Asian hair. I also wash my hair 2-3 times a day with shampoo. Does this make my hair stick up even more?
Madison Genovese asked 9/10/2015 What is wrong with my hair? It's much different from normal girls hair, its all frizzy and staticy and puffy and feels like a spiderweb. It's even like this when I straighten it.
megha madav asked 9/9/2015 Initially when I started using Skinlite cream my Skin was glowing... Then it started becoming really dark. Please help me or suggest me any good cream to get my colour back?
RAWR Said the Dinosaur asked 9/6/2015 What is your current hair color and if you dyed it, what was the original?