Anonymous asked 6/27/2014 Am I ugly? I have cheekbones like Lucy Lawless, blue eyes,dark brown hair, a pale face, freckles, a tiny mouth and an o.k nose (slightly large). I'm also slim with broad shoulders, curves and a big butt. I kind of look like Vivien Lee.
Anonymous asked 6/12/2014 I'm a girl and I often cross my legs twice (once at knee then once at ankle) instead of once because it's more comfortable. Do you think it looks weird?
Borislav Georgiev asked 5/31/2014 What eye colour do I have? Brown-green or hazel?
Taylor Kemnitz asked 5/10/2014 I started bitting my nails again.. and now I'm regretting it. What are some ways to break that habit and grow nails faster??
Grace Dee asked 2/26/2014 Do eyelashes grow back if cut? Mine were trimmed by mistake when getting eyelash extensions and now they're stumpy!
Anonymous asked 12/3/2013 If I put alcohol on my face to clean off my makeup and then put hydrogen peroxide on my face, what will happen?
Anonymous asked 12/2/2013 I have been using Skinlite face cream from 1 month, and my skin colour has become whiter. When i stop using it, then my skin colour gets blacker than before. What should I do?
Anonymous asked 11/6/2013 I'm afraid I have a really low self-esteem, I never want to take photos. Lots of people have told me you're beautiful and I know I'm not extremely ugly, but I have a nose that looks bad on profile. And my face has not the best shape to make it look better. What can I do?