lisette yeti asked 7/5/2015 A new mother is concerned that her 12 month old baby has not started walking yet,the pediatrician explains that the baby peripheral nerves are probably not yet fully myelinated, how does this explain why the baby cannot walk?
Anonymous asked 3/18/2015 My ex is 30 weeks pregnant.She hasn't let me go to appts, said nothing's my business unless something's wrong, etc BUT she expects me to buy baby stuff. I said we could share a pram & car seat but she doesn't want to share & said I need to buy my own?
Nice Girl asked 1/30/2015 Do you think before asking a question? The person thinks about the answer or just posts it? I think no!
Anonymous asked 10/26/2014 I'm pregnant and just found out I'm having a boy. I am really set on using the name Connor for a boy but my husband's last name (Kirtley) sounds a tad odd I think, what do you think? Is there no chance it sounds okay or is it passable? Connor Kirtley.
Yo Kass asked 5/9/2013 Can astrology help parenting? (I have a lovely but stubborn Taurean baby daughter)
grace hills asked 12/9/2011 Can a baby survive if born at 6 1/2 weeks? Can a baby at this point be born and totally normal, with no complications?
evelyn centeno asked 8/9/2011 My baby is 19 months old and she get dirty everyday and i dislike putting her to bed all dirty so i take her a bath everyday, is it bad to take her a bath everyday for like her hair or skin?
Angela Jimenez asked 7/27/2011 How many bottles of milk a 1 year old baby need's, could be a regular milk or needs to be baby formula?
Ellie Brister asked 7/3/2011 My aunt treats me like a baby. Like at night she will give me a pacifier and a bottle, push me around in a storller, wear diapers, ect. I cry when she does this stuff to me. What can I do to make her stop?
Alesha Hunter asked 5/18/2011 Okay this is really weird.. Im 14 and i really want to have a baby with my bf, it feels right and it would actually give me something to live for and be proud of.. Is this just a phase im going thru or what?