HappyTo BeHereTo asked 10/18/2017 For the first time, scientists have seen two neutron stars collide. Cool ! What space observations or missions have caught your interest?
Jimmy Chen asked 2/24/2017 What if the moon and the sun switched size, mass and places so that the earth is orbiting the moon and the sun is orbiting earth?
Jimmy Chen asked 2/23/2017 what if the sun was the size of the moon and the moon is the size of the sun?
Jann Nikka asked 11/14/2016 Exactly🤔 what time🕚 is the Beautiful Special Moon showing up 🎑🌕✨?
Alexandra Leever asked 9/26/2016 Do you believe in life in the universe? Go to my survey to answer! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6QSF9FW
Anonymous asked 5/5/2016 what is the method of measuring the distance of star/planet /galaxy which are thousands light years away from us ? what is the accuracy?