Anonymous asked 3/25/2016 my friend has a mare who's fat, she came in contact with a couple of donkeys once. How can we tell if she's pregnant without calling the vet, Please help?
Danae Hitch asked 3/10/2016 What do you think about the new trend to take selfies of animals which leads to their death? There have been 3 instances of this in the last couple of months.
Madison Tripp asked 2/8/2016 I want to convert a cupboard into a rabbit hutch but I cant seem to find the perfect one. Does anyone know a cupboard I could do this with?
Anonymous asked 2/3/2016 How can people slaughter animals without feeling bad? I understand that people have to eat blah blah! But how do you slaughter a cow, pig, goat without feeling remorseful? It makes me wonder how they treat people.
Roy Roy asked 1/30/2016 If you could ask your pet a question (and they could answer) what would it be?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 1/14/2016 My girlfriend told me that when she feeds Deer apples, the Deer won't eat the green Granny Smith apples. Anyone know why the deer won't eat those?