Megan goodgirl

Why do I feel happy when I buy things?


2 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Is it "just buy things" or "things in particular"?

For example sometimes it's the thrill of finding a bargain. Sometimes just window shopping gets your mind off of things. Sometimes it's the person's "love language." It's how the person feels loved or feels they show their love, by buying gifts. There is lots of reasons why one may feel happy buying things. Oh ya! And are you shopping WITH someone? Sometimes the happiness is with the person you go shopping with rather than the actual buying experience.

1 Person thanked the writer.
Darren Wolfgang
Darren Wolfgang commented
I agree with you , i found a roll back at Walmart they had my favorite ice tea on sell for $1.72 and the regular price is like $2.64 + so i appreciated that special moment.
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
I found a deal like that at Target not too long ago! And it was perfect cuz we were all in an ice tea phase. My most recent find was at Wal-Mart in Arizona. Almost 2 years ago I bought one pair of lounge shorts and they became my favorite so I waited for a year and a half for them to go on clearance. They never did and the day we moved from Cali to Arizona I had to toss them cuz they got holes in them. (Wasn't in a spot I could sew them either.) I was bummed. But a few weeks later I saw them clearanced for $2! I was so happy! AND they had my size! I bought every color but white! 😆 I'm still on that shopping high! 😃😂😂😂😂😂 TWO DOLLARS! Can't beat that!
Darren Wolfgang
Darren Wolfgang commented
Yeah i agree can't beat the prices :) 😂
Darren Wolfgang Profile
Darren Wolfgang answered

I think most of us feel happy when we get something new , This could relate to when you were a Child or Teen you didn't get those things so that is why your happy when you buy new things...Growing up in my Teen years my parents did not have money to buy us new clothes , we didn't get new shoes , So i will share something with all of you . Now that I'm older , i love getting new things. I just got a brand new pair of bedroom slippers . Yes i love them . See in my Teen years my parents bought us 2-3 pair of jeans , 2-3 shirts , 1 pair of gym shoes , 1 coat and under garments but that was the extent of things and we had to sacrifice on what my parents could afford. My Father's steel mill job shutdown so we lived on extended benefits until them run out and they lived on what money they had saved for us Kids . My late Mother , went out and would babysit to bring money in the house so we have extra ..There was lot abuse with my Father. So i can't handle being abused by anyone to this day. .I was severely bullied by peers in School ..I was made fun of by my last name , I was made fun of being overweight..So this life has made me mentally ill. I do try praying and i never turn anyone away who wants to talk about God to me.. I spoke with Jehovah's Witness for 10 minutes in parking lot of Family Dollar , She was a wonderful Woman and i enjoyed just talking to her . So i never turn anyone away. Yes , everyone is entitled to be non-believers ..I do pray for the Atheist and I do pray for the Satan worshiper's..But i do not judge those people and i still love them and will never turn them away.🙏😇

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