I have several pet peeves, but bullying is a huge anger trigger for me. I think raising a special needs child has made me very aware of it.
Texting while driving.
People going slow in the fast lane. They force people to pass using the other lanes making a dangerous situation for all.
Distracted drivers and distracted pedestrians.
Walmart and Sam's Club parking lots. I swear they hire the civil engineers that no one else wants. They are all poorly planned.
Parents that let their kids go crazy in public places.
I will NOT get into a debate here because it would be pointless. Ain't NO ONE EVER gonna change my mind! What boils my blood is people who think abortion is ok and that a baby is not a baby just because a piece of flesh separates the baby from the outside world! Oh! And don't get me started on pedophile's! No one would believe what "sweet" Yin would have done to them if ever given the power! GRRRRR! I don't believe they should have any protective custody in prison let's just put it that way!
I am pass that stage.
Not getting my way.