Damn, there is so much spam. Where are the moderators?


3 Answers

Dwight Fairfield Profile

Yes, for sure, I agree. You are such a nice guy. I was just thinking about it. By the way, I just recently found one very cool site, here it is https://www.nairaland.com

thanked the writer.
Dances With  Wolves
Hey deadbeat , you like to talk to yourself and all of your multiple accounts . Your not here working on this site you are spamming and scamming people . I laugh when scammers aka spammers get taken down yes it happens.
Meg Thomas
Meg Thomas commented
Who says I'm not working? These guys started to create topics about me and my friends, I just support their innovations, that's all
Moly Titan Profile
Moly Titan answered

The moderator is dead.

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