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Here you go. Let's make this funny by adding a caption.โ˜บ?


7 Answers

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

"That's the trippiest mirage yet!"

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Next time we find a genie in a bottle I will do the speaking! You left it too vague when you told the genie "I wish to be stranded on a deserted tropical island staring at a bunch of sweet hot things!"

Katie Miles Profile
Katie Miles answered

Speaking about the most important and necessary skills, I canโ€™t but mention writing as the first one. Indeed, if you are in the Internet community, what is the first thing you do here? Surely, write to speak to other users. So places like  can be rather useful for such purposes, as you can see simple ways of how to do it. Have you tried to start communicate without anybodyโ€™s assistance and reading a book? It was too difficult for me first.

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