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Do you have any Christmas clothing that you wear around the Holiday? Can you share what it is?


8 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Lol! Nothing specific each year. Except for my dad. My sister died the day after Christmas so the first Christmas after her death he showed up wearing a Santa hat that said "Bah Humbug" with this goofy Christmas light up tie. I don't remember much about that blue Christmas except my dad's outfit gave me my first real chuckle/smile.

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Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Thank you my friend. That is the memory I chose to hold tight to. 🤗 It's funny the tiny things that are vivid memories and yet big things go stuffed in the subconscious. I had inherited my second sisters car. When I went to the DMV to have it transferred to my name, the lady said "you wrote down the wrong date of your sisters death." I told her no I didn't. I would know that! She showed me the death certificate I handed her and told me "this is the date she died on." I SWORE I was right. I broke down in front of everyone crying saying they HAD to have made a mistake on the death certificate! She finally told me "hunny. It's okay. Why don't you come back after you've checked the date of this certificate." So I thought I'll ask my mom! She'd know I'm right and this paper is wrong! Nope. She confirmed the date on the paper was correct. It took me a few days to realize maybe she wasn't losing her mind.... and that I just might have the date wrong. For 6 years I would have to stop and think "Which day was it again?".... until something very miraculous happened. 6 years exactly to the day she died, my son was born. Now that day is filled with life and celebration. THAT is exactly how my sister would have wanted it to be! 😊 My mom even mentioned that with Jr being born on that day, a great memory got to write over a sad memory. She said it made things a little easier on her. 😆
Firstname Refreshme lastname
Awe. So sorry.
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
RefreshMe my friend, thank you dearly ☺
Annette Dollinger Profile
Annette Dollinger , Been a long time. , answered

Missed all of you. Had heart surgery and just fell off the grid for a while. Great to see some of you here.

Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered

No nothing special. I do try to wear something red for some reason.

Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

I have a fuzzy one piece long john that I lounge in around the house. Red and cozy. I put mistletoe barette( that I made using hot glue) in my hair.

~ because if someone doesn't like what I'm wearing.... They can kiss my ____. ☺

Mountain  Man Profile
Mountain Man answered

Yes. But only for Christmas dinner.

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