My dear friends, I just want to know you are all on my heart and I miss you all. I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. My dad is extremely sick and in the hospital with kidney failure. Please keep him in your prayers. I am terrified because I am unfamiliar with dialysis and don't know where to begin learning what I need to know. I just need to hear good stories of loved ones who are/had to be on dialysis. Please.
Can they live "normal" lives?
My dad never had a day off of work till last week. He loves work. Will he be able to keep working with dialysis?
How many days a week does a patient go to dialysis?
Have you ever known anyone to regain their kidney function?
I have so many questions and the nurses are too "busy" with stupid California and it's cold and flu crap. Please Blurtit, what do you personally know about dialysis and or kidney failure?
Thank you my dear friends. 😢