I like to read the book first, and then see the movie.
Well, we have come a long way in special effects, but the "Theater of the Mind" is a tough act to follow.
Books give us insight as to what the characters are thinking at certain times in the story.
If you read the book first, the movie will be a letdown, Also, if you see the movie first, the book, at first, seems to miss the mark.
It varies---sometimes the movie is adapted from the book, but slightly changes the ending.
Sometimes a book is more enjoyable because the individual supplies his own mental picture of the background / environment.
I found the TV mini-series made based on Stephen King's The Stand to be far inferior to the book.
But, hey, a book and a movie are two different genres and tend to appeal to different audiences.
Hello Megan! I used to love reading books when I was younger. However, these days five minutes of this great pastime is enough to put me to bed! I will hence prefer watching a cool horror or sci-fi movie. These are often pretty innovative and nowadays, I am just waiting for the next Jurassic Park or Alien!
I used to avid reader and a movie goer but over the years somehow it doesn't interest me anymore.