Otis Campbell

Its national chocolate candy day. National card playing day. And pledge of allegiance day. Do they still do that. In elementary school??


7 Answers

Skip  Gentry Profile
Skip Gentry answered

I don't know if they still do the Pledge Of Allegiance in school anymore or not. Any day that involves chocolate is  my kind of day! Hi Otis!

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

California done away with it. Stupid California! When I still had one of my kids in school all the principal said over the intercom was "ready begin" followed by a minute of silence! Screw them!

I'm gonna have to have some chocolate shine Otis just to calm down! Just hook it up to an IV and I'll be fine!

Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered

The last time I was in an elementary school they did. But who knows any more.

Courtney Ann Profile
Courtney Ann answered

As a former public school teacher, I can tell you that most schools do; however, it’s heavily influenced by the individual districts’ community and culture.

hey cameron Profile
hey cameron answered

I've had so much chocolate over the past week that I'll be burned out on chocolate for a while

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