Relieved. I am hosting Christmas dinner. I have so much to do. I may also have guests staying the night. My dryer broke Thanksgiving morning, and I am waiting on a part to be delivered. Plus I have been dealing with sinus and ear infections. This Christmas can't be over soon enough for me. Plus my husband and I have a short getaway planned in January to celebrate our anniversary.
Kind of 'let down'.
You go to a lot of trouble buying presents, putting up a tree, decorations, cards..ECT
and it's over, before u even enjoyed it!
I will be sad but it will be fine
Glad to everything back to nor
Hopefully relaxed as long as everything goes well.
Like another waste of running around trying to get as much Commercialism checked off my list has passed . . .
Why can't it be as laid back as Thanksgiving . . . About family and food and no gifts required.