Megan goodgirl

Is anyone a bit old school like me? example I still like to read books and write and I prefer older music.


4 Answers

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

Oh yeah .... Very old school in my case.  :)

Abigail Connor Profile
Abigail Connor answered

I’m old school because I’m an old soul. I’ve decided if time travel is invented before I die, I’m taking a vacation through the generations, starting somewhere in the Victorian era

hey cameron Profile
hey cameron answered

I'm new school in a lot of ways: I like new fashion and a lot of new music and new tech, but I also like some old things, like paper books, older movies, and plenty of older music, especially older jazz.

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Old School R & B...

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