Why can't you be both all the time?
A believer is done with the hard work of seeking
I’m a seeker. Belief is for those who don’t really want to know.
Sound fancy?
In your comments, you say that believing and seeking are two different worlds.
You also suggest that if you are not a seeker, you have been brainwashed to suit some one else's agenda.
What is the point of seeking and never finding? Seeking has an object which exists and is the proper object of study. It's called 'truth."
And seeking is an important part of vetting what you believe.
Brainwashing is a psychological technique and has its own ethics. Parents routinely brainwash their children in their early education---don't play with knives and don't play with fire.
And brainwashing frequently implies the person using the word has a negative association with religion. (Feel free to correct me if this does not apply to you.)
In the meantime, I will continue to both seek and to believe as and whenever I deem it appropriate.
You can be a believer go on space.com
and type in A/2017u1 this is something that
came into the system from LYRA. Love to all.