
how do humans impact global warming and what are some of its effects?


3 Answers

Joyce Hall Profile
Joyce Hall answered

I believe on global warming. I'm just not sure if its due to humans or not. Obviously, it has happened before? Ever heard of the iice age?

The Lord may have another plan for us.

thanked the writer.
Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren commented
Oh Really? You really think the massive amounts of Carbon Emissions have anything to do with Depleting our protective atmosphere?
Joyce Hall
Joyce Hall commented
8 understand that we are polluting the air, but not so sure its the cause of global warming.
carlos Striker Profile
carlos Striker answered

Humans are yet to understand nature, to them it is resource not a source for life. We tend to destroy without even realising it.

Michael Poland Profile
Michael Poland answered

There is no global warming.

Follow the money.

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