That's cash up front ...right ? Sounds good.
I'm male, but I has question. Is the man paying the person to flash him as his dying wish, or is it just a random dying guy that they're flashing as part of the dare
Bhahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Oh man! I could make some bank off of this! Heck yah I would but I would get double the money.... Cuz once he is blind and twitching on the ground begging me to put them back in I would tell him only if he gives me an additional million! Bhahahahaha!!!!!
Nope wouldn't do that.
If I were a female, I'd flash for $100.
Naw .... I wouldn't want to ruin a dying man's last moments.
I million dollars? . . .
Why so much money? If I was a woman, I could do $20 . . . I don't understand the hype anyway . . . They are just breasts.