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To the women out there Would you be okay with your husband or b friend wearing make up?


6 Answers

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Not that my husband would, but no. Unless there was some kind of injury he might have and tried to lessen it with concealer. I had a friend who had a black eye from a sports injury. And he had a some function he needed to go to and he borrowed a little concealer. The night was for someone else to be in the spotlight and he didn't want to take anything away from that.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Ummmmmm NO!

Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered

Absolutely not!

I don't want him looking better than me!!

star gazing Profile
star gazing answered

it depends...if he happens to be insecure about a spot or scar, go ahead...but if it's dramatic for aesthetic, it's not my preference...There's sure to be someone out there ok with it and he can go be happy with them :)

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

Oh come now, it can't be that bad. You see, here I am in makeup:

Just a whim of mine; I don't look like that regularly (I should hope not!). I know this question is for women, but I wanted to comment. My boyfriend hates the idea of makeup, but a female friend of mine told me that she has a thing for guys with eyeliner on. Guess if it's subtle enough some women like it, but most probably don't.

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