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Your word of the day for Tuesday August 8th is fructify. Use it in a sentence. (?) ( almost sounds like it could be a swear word to me - but it is not )


2 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Well I originally wanted to say hearing the word "fructify" fructified a chortle..... But upon further reading about the meaning of the word fructify I would have to refer it to producing fruit instead of laughter.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Not only does it sound like a swear word, I intend to use it as code for "commit an unspeakable act upon."  I will use it with its new meaning in the following sentence.

I can think of some people on Q & A sites I visit who, given the general lack of information provided by their answers, I would really like to fructify. 

2 People thanked the writer.
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Wonderful. We now have a new code word for a swear. Can't wait to use it..
( the following is in no way intented for you...)
Go fructify yourself ; - )
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
Yes, isn't it delightful!!!
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
And when pressed to explain one's self, I can just say that I was only trying to suggest you become more productive.

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