PJ Stein

Is there any particular food or drink that takes you back to being a child? For me it is a Slurpee.


8 Answers

Ray  Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

Back in the day, the "soft" drink of choice in Germany was either Traubensaft or Apfelsaft (grape juice or applejuice).

I spent a lot of my holiday time as a schoolboy, youth hostelling in Germany.

Applejuice sends me straight back to the Black Forest.

Curiously, grapejuice does not have the same effect.

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

For me, angel food cake makes me feel like a little kid again. My mom always made it for me.

Skip  Gentry Profile
Skip Gentry answered

Fried Bologna sandwiches. Haven't had one since I was a kid.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Home made pizza where we had to wait for the dough to rise, then we would each have our own pan to put with our own choice of toppings. Mine was always mmmmmm lots of cheese and pepperchini's with one pepperoni in each corner so when it cooked it would crisp and the little bit of juice would blend in with the grease of the cheese and I would take the pepperoni off. It was even better cold the next day! Oh yum!!!

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

When I was a kid my favorite drink was a chocolate egg cream. (It did not have egg or cream in it.)  It was made from seltzer water, milk, and chocolate syrup.

Nealious James Profile
Nealious James answered

Hi Gator Blu! Popsicles do tend to make me slip back into my childhood days, and when my mother makes them they are even better! Another thing that takes me back in time are strawberry shaped and flavoured chewing gums that I used to buy from my local shops over 20 years ago. I only get them from few stores now, but they are as sweet and juicy as they used to be!

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